What does Isis stand for?
Isis is a group of Chiropractic Centres affiliated with many different health care practitioners that work together under one roof.

Isis is a group of Chiropractic Centres affiliated with many different health care practitioners that work together under one roof (well, three roofs).
The name Isis is not an abbreviation and we are not affiliated to any political or religious organisations.
When we started our Chiropractic Centres back in the 1980s we where looking for a name that we could identify with, a name that fitted in with our ethos and a name that was different and gave our three clinics an identity.
There was no reason to worry then, that the name Isis could possibly be misunderstood.
So Who Was Isis?
Isis was one of the most beloved goddesses in the ancient world. Isis was the ancient goddess of health. Isis was her Greek name, but she was known to the ancient Egyptians as Aset.
The Egyptian goddess, was very popular throughout Egypt, the roman empire, and beyond and she became a goddess of almost limitless attributes.
So, What Does Isis Stand For?
According to her priestesses she was a skilled healer, known for her warmth and compassion towards people. An ancient Egyptian goddess known for her power, confidence and skills.
Some say the translation of her name was ‘Knowledge’.